Hi Everybody.
I’ll be leaving in just over a week for the Toronto International Film Festival, which I’ve attended every single year since 1985. Actually I first went to the Fest in 1982, then attended the New York Film Festival in ’83 and ’84 before getting wise and sticking with Toronto, which shows far more films and is much easier to negotiate.
I just received my program book today and will be spending hours poring over it so that I can filter out the must-see from the must-skip films. A few things I’m pretty likely to check out this year include: Who Do You Love – a biopic about Leonard Chess, founder of Chess Records Lorna’s Silence – directed by the Dardenne Brothers, who have won the Palme d’Or twice at Cannes. Of Time and the City – this one is a documentary about the city of Liverpool that slayed critics when it was shown in Cannes Happy-Go-Lucky – directed by the great Mike Leigh and another big hit at Cannes earlier this year
I’ve just barely scratched the surface of what I hope to see in Toronto, and I also hope to catch Spiritualized and Paul Weller perform at the Virgin Music Festival while I’m there. Have a safe and happy Labor Day and enjoy these last few weeks of summer…I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with my impressions of Toronto, and please listen for my reports from Toronto on Ann Arbor’s 107one while I’m away. Best, Martin